Wednesday, November 5, 2008

As the Nike(r) slogan says: JUST DO IT !

Well, the longest (and costliest) presidential race in US history is over. And when I finally nodded off to sleep, I felt a sadness that maybe the wrong person had won.

Now I am not a party guy so my feelings had nothing to do with party lines. It had all to do with "tried and true". Experience and knowledge are what matters. You absolutely MUST have experience to accomplish greatness. You need to know a lot to do a lot. Sleep came uneasily but it came nonetheless.

When I woke today I felt differently. Isn't it strange how your mind obviously works while you sleep? It sorts thru all the crap you added during the day and tries to make sense of it all. Probably with some Higher Intervention.

At any rate, I remembered something President-elect Obama said in his acceptance speech. He said something to the effect of: This historic event has indeed brought change. It is not the change we were striving for but it allows us to make the changes we need. . . or words to that effect.

My point is that this election has left this country and the world with hope. Hope that anything can happen. Hope that we do not need mountains of experience to succeed. Hope that anyone can achieve their goals if they JUST DO IT !

And since I have long been a fence sitter, I feel the urgency to take action. To get off my butt and start now. To stop making excuses for not starting. I can't this . . I don't have that. If I want it badly enough, I can find a way. I just need to focus on finding that open door. It's there. I just need to find it.

Milton Berle once stated: "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door". I guess I should stop procrastinating and start building that door. I am smart enough. I have the desire. I need to take that first step forward or I will never get anywhere.

So I will sign off now and do more diligence and make it happen. If you want to climb on board and do this together, we can. Don't be scared that you don't know enough, don't have any money (like me) or simply don't know where to start. Together we will JUST DO IT !

Take care and God bless,

Monday, November 3, 2008

Am I thie only one?

Here I am a baby boomer nearing retirement age and I am lost.

About 2 months ago I lost my job and because I thought I would live forever, I have no retirement or savings to fall back on. Pretty stupid, huh?

However, I believe that "If life gives you lemons, you make lemonade", as my friend, Robbie, always says. My favorite preacher man, Joel Osteen, put it this way, "God didn't put me here to fail."

So after I got over feeling sorry for myself, I decided to do something -- to take action -- about my seemingly hopeless situation. I spent many hours sitting on my patio gazing into tne back yard trying to decide what direction to take.

I made a list of things I could do (ie. trained to do) and another of the things I wanted to do. The could do things, I now realized, were things I no longer wanted to do. And the things I wanted to do required money which I had none of. Back to square one.

But I did notice a recurring theme. The things I wanted to do centered around helping others. I remembered thinking years ago how much I wanted to help people. But the necessity of earning a living got in the way and I put those ideas on the back burner. Truthfully, I forgot about them and focused on ME. Wrong!

So I began thinking about what I could do working from home that would generate the funds I needed to do what I wanted. How could I make money at home?

Finally (I am pretty thick sometimes) I realized that an internet business would allow me the freedom of having a home based business and at the same time make me enough money to do what I have longed to do - help others.

That left me with a dilemma. Am I the only one in this situation? Are there other folks out there who are looking for a way to do something but don't know how to do it or even where to start?

I have always been a team player and I believe if there are others who, like me, desparately want to succeed but don't know how, we should unite and help each other.

Maybe you know a little about the internet, about internet marketing, about building websites or about blogs but do not have the courage to venture out on your own. That is where I am right now. I need your help.

Let's get together and share information and support so we will take that first step and become successful entrepreneurs. Remember TEAM - Together Each Accomplishes More.

Drop me an e-mail and let me know what you think:

Talk with you soon,